I was reading a PBTeen catalogue (it came in the mail. I was bored) and suddenly became... inspired. I realized that the thing that would make me happy and satisfied was white bedding and throw pillows.
It worked. I am now happy and satisfied. And I just kind of found the bedding/pillows around my house. Fifteen minute, totally free room makeover.
And yes, the doll with the penis ears stays. For those who know what I'm referencing. Although I guess you can draw your own conclusions.
I am a firm believer that if your surroundings are peaceful and calm, you yourself will be peaceful and calm too. My bookshelf is always messy though... I guess it's like my mind.
Yesterday I was rambling to Kayla about how I would so like, for just one day, for all the stupid thoughts bouncing around in my head all at once to just shut up. And then this other kid walks up and says "Clara, you're schizophrenic".
I said I was deeply offended.
I'm not really offended by anything. It's funny, actually. I think it's a combination of my first-child awesome self esteem and the general fact that my parents convinced me from an early age that I was the greatest thing alive. So if someone does offend me, I generally brush it off because either
a) they've got their priorities backwards
b) they have no idea what they're talking about, because they don't really know me.
They call us the "me" generation and say we expect everything. They seem to think we want instant gratification and we're super tech-savvy. Yes, yes, and yes.
They seem to think this is a problem.
Yeah, there are some whiny brats in my generation. Those girls you see on True Life who just complain to their parents all the time. They suck. It's true.
But I think at the same time, our expectations make us one of the most motivated generations. My mom's generation had to fight for everything, I guess because there were so many of them, and the parents were largely disengaged (whereas we get those handy helicopter parents. Myself less so, but I know some people). Point is, they were used to hardship.
We expect a lot. And in my experience, if something isn't right I get frustrated. It should be right.
So maybe what I'm getting at is that we're less complacent?
And therefore more likely to change the world.
Because look who's getting involved? US. Not Gen X. The Boomers are done. We're the ones getting fired up, ready to go.
Although ironically I think the 'Fired up' line came from an old woman.
Oh whatever, she probably should have been born in 1991.
This blog post has been very tangential, but surprisingly for me, each one touched the circle.
It all connects I swear.
Although I really just wanted to talk about my bedspread.

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